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12 septembrie 2018

Sursa: "Forme de idoli" Daniel Sercau – Daniel Sercau

The Sydney Bucharest Literary Cafe (of the Australian-Romanian Academy of Culture presented their first music/theatre/poetry event at Horizon Theatre in Sydney. The event enjoyed the presence of, among others, Her Excellencey the Ambasador of Romania in Australia, Mrs. Nineta Barbulescu, and the Romanian Consul General Dr.Floricel Mocanu. The protagonists were – Daniel Reynaud, Tug Dumbly, […]

Prioritatea crestinului

9 septembrie 2018

Sursa: Biserica Adventista Brancoveanu Live Stream – Biserica Adventista Brancoveanu

Sursa: Tiberius Georgescu – Domnul Isus vede omul! – Speranta Targoviste

Sursa: Tiberius Georgescu – Bogăția săraciei – Speranta Targoviste

La ce te gandesti cand te rogi!

8 septembrie 2018

tatar campean

8 septembrie 2018

Sursa: Biserica Adventista Brancoveanu Live Stream – Biserica Adventista Brancoveanu

Sursa: Biserica Adventista Brancoveanu Live Stream – Biserica Adventista Brancoveanu

Sursa: Biserica Adventista Brancoveanu Live Stream – Biserica Adventista Brancoveanu