
The Sydney Bucharest Literary Cafe (of the Australian-Romanian Academy of Culture presented their first music/theatre/poetry event at Horizon Theatre in Sydney.
The event enjoyed the presence of, among others, Her Excellencey the Ambasador of Romania in Australia, Mrs. Nineta Barbulescu, and the Romanian Consul General Dr.Floricel Mocanu.
The protagonists were – Daniel Reynaud, Tug Dumbly, Emi Reynaud, George Roca, Catalin Anastase and Daniel Ionita who also directed the show.
Dramatic Introduction Catalin Anastase
Welcome G. Roca & D. Ionita
Last night I waited for you/ La o cană cu vin- (Tatiana Stepa) Daniel Reynaud
Songs/Cantece – Lae Chioru (Octavian Goga) Catalin Anastase
Să-mi cânți cobzar D. Ionita Why won’t you come / De ce nu-mii (M.Eminescu/D.Ionita) Tug Dumbly
Romance/Romanță – M.R.Paraschivescu/N.Alifantis Daniel Ionita
Mona Lisa (D.Ionita) Catalin Anastase
Contradiction/Contradicție – C.Condurache/D.Ionita D & Emi Reynaud
Jealousy/ Gelozie (G.Toparceanu) – GEORGE ROCA George Roca
D. Reynaud (music) – The Kiss/Sărutul – (G. Roca) George Roca
Romance without an Echo/Romanță fără Ecou (I.Minulescu/D.Ionita) Tug Dumbly
Moon, moon…/ Lună, Lună – O.Goga) Catalin Anastase
Understanding/ Înțelegere – (M.Baniciu/Lermotov/trd. Aurel Rău) – Daniel Ionita
For your birthday / De ziua ta (G.Roca) George Roca
I am smiling/Zâmbesc (M.Cărtărescu) Tug Dumbly
Farewell letter/Scrisoare de bun rămas– G.Țărnea) – Catalin Anastase
Farewell Letter/Scrisoare de bun rămas – M.Baniciu/G.Țărnea – Daniel Reynaud
Poem – Legal Division/Paraj (A.Păunescu) Catalin Anastase
Song – Ballad to Mill (A.Ivanitch/C.Ivanescu) Daniel Reynaud
Poem – Journal for a divorce/Jurnalul unui divorț – G.Toprârceanu D.Ionita, GR, CA
Song – Ballad of the Chatterbox Coquette (A.Ivanitchi/Bădescu/Ioniță) Daniel Reynaud
Poem – April Snowbells/Ghiocei de Aprilie – (G.Roca) George Roca
Song – Impreună – Mirecea Florian Daniel Ionita
Poem – Adam (M.Sorescu) Tug Dumbly
Song – Today it snows for you/Ninge Astazi Pentru Tine Daniel Ionita
Poem – Craiasa Florilor (G.Roca) George Roca
Song – Seasons (D.Ionita) Daniel Reynaud
Poem – Sentimental Story/Poveste Sentimentala Tug Dumbly
FINAL – Song – SURPRISE! – Sing along if you know it! D.Reynaud Thanks and acknowledgements Daniel Ionita Sursa:

Dragoste la Prima Vedere/Love at First Sight

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