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STUDIUL 7 Unitatea in familie Asa cum am spus in studiul trecut dusmanul incearca sa distruga familia pentru ca asa poate sa distruga si societatea si individul. De aceea o familie unita, este fara indoiala cheia pentru o societate sanatoasa si fericita. Unitatea familiei incepe cu unitatea dintre sot si sotie si continua cu unitatea […] Monica Cîrtog & Marius Stancu 7.7 Un gând de încheiere (st7 Unitatea în familie) Vineri, 17 mai – Un gând de încheiere Unitatea – cea dintâi lucrare. „Cea dintâi lucrare a creştinilor este să fie uniţi în familie. … Cu cât membrii unei familii sunt mai uniţi în lucrarea lor în cămin, cu atât mai […]

Vă așteptăm pe 11 iunie la orele 18:00 – la un nou „literary-musical show” – colaborare între Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române și Australian-Romanian Academy for Culutre (Sydney-București), cu sprijinul MediaTon – Toronto, Canada. Pe mulți dintre… recidiviști îi cunoașteți… Sursa: Monica Cîrtog & Marius Stancu 7.6 Să iubim aşa cum promitem! (st7 Unitatea în familie) Joi, 16 mai – Să iubim aşa cum promitem! Coeziunea şi unitatea familiei depind de angajamentul tuturor membrilor ei, începând cu angajamentul soţilor de a-şi purta de grijă unul altuia. Istoria biblică prezintă şi exemple de promisiuni încălcate, de […]

  Series FAMILY SEASONS with Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A. 7.KEYS TO FAMILY UNITY It is easy to quarrel in a family. Can we find any keys for unity in a family in the Bible? Content: 7.1 Christ the Center 7.2 Becoming One Through His Love 7.3 Selfishness: Family Destroyer 7.4 Submission 7.5 Living the Love […]

  Serie FAMILIENZEITEN mit Pastor Mag. Kurt Piesslinger | 7.SCHLÜSSEL ZUR EINHEIT IN DER FAMILIE | Nichts ist leichter, als in Streit zu geraten, wenn man in einer Familie zusammenlebt. Was dann? Inhalt: 7.1 Christus, das Zentrum 7.2 Durch seine Liebe eins werden 7.3 Egoimus zerstört Familien 7.4 Unterordnung 7.5 Die Liebe leben, die wir […]

  Series FAMILY SEASONS with Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A. 7.KEYS TO FAMILY UNITY 7.6 Summary My God bless you today and always. Download

  Serie FAMILIENZEITEN mit Pastor Mag. Kurt Piesslinger  7.SCHLÜSSEL ZUR EINHEIT IN DER FAMILIE  7.6 Zusammenfassung Wir wünschen Ihnen Gottes Segen! Herunterladen  

  Series FAMILY SEASONS with Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A.  7.KEYS TO FAMILY UNITY  7.5 Living the Love We Promise My God bless you today and always. Download

  Serie FAMILIENZEITEN mit Pastor Mag. Kurt Piesslinger  7.SCHLÜSSEL ZUR EINHEIT IN DER FAMILIE  7.5 Die Liebe leben, die wir versprechen Wir wünschen Ihnen Gottes Segen! Herunterladen

  Series FAMILY SEASONS with Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A.  7.KEYS TO FAMILY UNITY  7.4 Submission My God bless you today and always. Download

  Serie FAMILIENZEITEN mit Pastor Mag. Kurt Piesslinger  7.SCHLÜSSEL ZUR EINHEIT IN DER FAMILIE  7.4 Unterordnung Wir wünschen Ihnen Gottes Segen! Herunterladen

  Series FAMILY SEASONS with Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A.  7.KEYS TO FAMILY UNITY  7.3 Selfishness : Family Destroyer My God bless you today and always. Download

  Serie FAMILIENZEITEN mit Pastor Mag. Kurt Piesslinger  7.SCHLÜSSEL ZUR EINHEIT IN DER FAMILIE  7.3 Egoimus zerstört Familien Wir wünschen Ihnen Gottes Segen! Herunterladen

  Series FAMILY SEASONS with Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A.  7.KEYS TO FAMILY UNITY  7.2 Becoming One Through His Love My God bless you today and always. Download  

  Serie FAMILIENZEITEN mit Pastor Mag. Kurt Piesslinger  7.SCHLÜSSEL ZUR EINHEIT IN DER FAMILIE  7.2 Durch seine Liebe eins werden Wir wünschen Ihnen Gottes Segen! Herunterladen  

  Series FAMILY SEASONS with Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A. 7.KEYS TO FAMILY UNITY It is easy to quarrel in a family. Can we find any keys for unity in a family in the Bible? 7.1 Christ the Center My God bless you today and always. Download  

  Serie FAMILIENZEITEN mit Pastor Mag. Kurt Piesslinger 7.SCHLÜSSEL ZUR EINHEIT IN DER FAMILIE Nichts ist leichter, als in Streit zu geraten, wenn man in einer Familie zusammenlebt. Was dann? 7.1 Christus, das Zentrum Wir wünschen Ihnen Gottes Segen! Herunterladen  

  Series FAMILY SEASONS with Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A. 6.THE ROYAL LOVE SONG The lovesong of Solomon reveals thoughts, which are full of wisdom, although they are 3000 years old. Content: 6.1 Indivisible Life 6.2 The Loves of the Love Songs 6.3 A Loving Knowledge 6.4 Love at the Right Time 6.5 Safeguarding the Creator’s […]

  Serie FAMILIENZEITEN mit Pastor Mag. Kurt Piesslinger 6.DAS KÖNIGLICHE LIEBESLIED Salomos Liebeslied enthält wertvolle Gedanken für uns, obwohl es 3000 Jahre alt ist. Inhalt: 6.1 Untrennbares Leben 6.2 Die Liebe des Liebeslieds 6.3 Liebendes Wissen 6.4 Liebe zur richtigen Zeit 6.5 Das Geschenk des Schöpfers schützen 6.6 Zusammenfassung Wir wünschen Ihnen Gottes Segen! Herunterladen