In this 12th episode of our journey through Romanian Poetry in English, I will present to you a poet with who’s verse I resonate the most. The rebel and antagonist in me (and there is a LOT of that…) – latches onto his poetry… …initially pigeonholed as a neo-symbolist (by critics like George Călinescu, mainly […] Featuring Edi Constantinescu, Mihai Bijacu, , Romulus Chelbegean, si Abigail Trofin, Sursa:
Ps. Florian Cîrnu Director general administrativ Invitați: Ps. Ștefan Albu – Campusul Adventist Sagunto, Spania Emilian Tomoiagă – student masterand Povestirea pentru copii: Denisa Olariu Sursa:
“Băgați de seamă să nu vă înșele cineva!” Ps. drd. Mitrache Marius Ps. drd. Emanuel Sălăgean Ps. drd. George Schiopu Invitați: Lect. univ. dr. Nicușor Curteanu Dani Antohi – Teologie adventistă pastorală, anul II Sursa: