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This session deals deals with the poems of the one-man-band of Romanian poetry, as Nicolae Manolescu labelled him, beacuse Arghzei reinvents himesel with every volume and soemtimes within a single volume. I have him in may top 3 Romanian poets. Who is the other one? I will keep that to mysemf. We reprezent four of […]

The fourth session in the journey of discovery of Romainan poetry in English, we discuss Romania’s best know writer, and national poet, Mihai Eminescu. Only Luis de Camoes in Portugal, and maybe Shakespeare in the English-speaking world, might rival Eminescu in relation to the influence upon the culture and language of their countries. The poems […]

In this 12th episode of our journey through Romanian Poetry in English, I will present to you a poet with who’s verse I resonate the most. The rebel and antagonist in me (and there is a LOT of that…) – latches onto his poetry… …initially pigeonholed as a neo-symbolist (by critics like George Călinescu, mainly […]

You can count on one hand the living, poets who are represented with more than one poem in the volume Testament – 400 Years of Romanian Poetry (authors Daniel Ionita – with Daniel Reynaud, Adriana Paul and Eva Foster – Minerva Publishing – 2019). Camelia Radulian is one of them. Her lyrical voice is as […]

In this session I present the profile and some representative poems of „the most attractive ugly woman who achieved greateness in Romanian Poetry” (Alex Stefanescu). Nina Cassian is certainly in the top 10 Romanian poets for me. She has done it all, and done it exceptionally well, from aburdist-surreal, to socialist-realism, to romantic, to post-modern, […]

After Mihai Eminescu, there are two or three other poets who people (critics included) might consider in “the silver medal” position for Romanian Poetry – so to speak. And in the ninth episode of Romanian Poetry in English, we will talk about, and recite some poems of, one of THEM – Nichita Stănescu. He was […]

Poet, civil libertarian, anti-Communist, a person extremely dignified and appropriate at all times, a successful politician after the revolution of 1989, a beautiful and envied woman – Author of 26 volumes of poetry – many of them translated in foreign languages. Ana Blandiana shone in a generation of poets, the 1960ies, which contained stellar names […]

In Episode 7 of the journey through Romanian Poetry in English we will mee the poet, and cultural revolutionary Tristan Tzara. Born Samuel Rosenstock (16 April 1896 in Romania – 25 December 1963 in Paris) – Tzara is arguably the initiator, or at least a most important catalyst, leader, and practitioner of the anarchist anti-establishment […] "So what’s a heart? I’m hungry! I want to live, desire… Oh, do forgive me maiden, my dearest in the fire! I doze. How tall the fire! The forest, how replete! I weep. What’s father thinking? I eat and weep. I eat!" These verses, written some 65 years ago by a 20-year-old, have long […]

As a young man, and with many other students and young intellectuals attracted to the nationalistic fervor of the times, he became Member of the Iron Guard and the Legion of St.Michael the Archangel (a right wing, fascist movement which wrought terror and held government for a few months at the end of 1940 and […]

…what do I think of Adrian Paunescu? Let me say just this (and get into huge trouble…). If indeed someone, some excellent anthologist, who understands and loves poetry, AND has utmost artistic integrity – would be allowed to trawl through the thousands of poems of Adrian Paunescu, get rid of all the dross, she or […]

This second session of revealing Romanian poetry to the English-language reader, reveals one of the super-stars of Romanian poetry, Lucian Blaga. A poet of light, of idealism, love – but for me a poet of profound beauty andable to embrace and describe mystery and the bedazzlment of the unknown – and be at peace with […]

This is the first in a series presenting the best Romanian poems in English. The series is based on, and will use for recitals, the volume Testament – 400 Years of Romanian Poetry, edited by Daniel Ionita (editor and principal translator) assisted by Professor Daniel Reynaud, Dr.Adriana Paul and Eva Foster (for earlier editions of […]

Short presentation, by the editor, of the new volume Romanian Poetry from its Origins to the Present. The critical work, covers 400 years of Romanian poetry, 442 poets and approximately 700 poems – bilingually in the original Romanian and English translations. Following the poetry are critical-biographical notes (also presented bilingually) about each of poet, as […]

The Bessarabia of my soul, un sarut pe matasea timpului, a diary in a mirror & instructiuni. Sursa:


Sursa: Romanian Advisory 3 – Vimeo / Addison SDA’s videos

Stimati prieteni, Tinand cont de faptul ca materialele oferite de Intercer sunt gratuite, incercam sa gasim surse financiare suplimentare pentru activitatea noastra. Considerand ca Intercer va este de folos prin resursele pe care le ofera, va reamintim mai jos cateva modalitati prin care puteti sustine Intercer. Daca locuiti in Romania – redirectionati 2% din impozit catre […]