Search result: Jesus Gabriel Radu 5.1 Introducere in studiu (st5 Copii ai făgăduinţei) Un tată şi fiica lui de zece ani îşi petreceau vacanţa pe malul mării. Într-o zi, au ieşit să se bucure de o baie în mare şi, deşi erau amândoi buni înotători, s-au separat unul de celălalt la o oarecare distanţă de ţărm. Tatăl, […]

As a young man, and with many other students and young intellectuals attracted to the nationalistic fervor of the times, he became Member of the Iron Guard and the Legion of St.Michael the Archangel (a right wing, fascist movement which wrought terror and held government for a few months at the end of 1940 and […]

After Mihai Eminescu, there are two or three other poets who people (critics included) might consider in “the silver medal” position for Romanian Poetry – so to speak. And in the ninth episode of Romanian Poetry in English, we will talk about, and recite some poems of, one of THEM – Nichita Stănescu. He was […] Sursa: Viața ta ca pradă de razboi- Episodul 20- DUMNEZEU SE ARATĂ – Jesus Market Sursa: Miezul vieții- SALVATĂ DE LA MARGINEA PRĂPASTIEI (II)- DANA DOBRE – Jesus Market