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                                              Între MARELE PREOT şi MARELE ÎMPĂRAT – RĂSTIGNIREA Faptele Apostolilor 25, 11: “Cer să fiu judecat de Cezar!” De o bucată bună de vreme din istoria pământului, lumea îşi împarte puterea între politică şi religie. Câteodată şi pe alocuri ele se mai amestecă una cu alta, îşi mai încalcă prerogativele prin abuz una alteia, […]

Gradinita cu program prelungit, Engleza, Pian tel. 0722979801, 0753315750

                                                                             Între CE şi CUM Tonul face Muzica? Cred că atunci când a fost izvodită zicerea “TONUL FACE MUZICA”, s-a avut în vedere a nu se da tonul – sunetul de început – greşit, ca nu cumva performarea să fie alta decât şi-a dorit compozitorul. Transferată în înţelesuri mai profunde, spirituale, cu urmări veşnice în […]

„Bucurati-va cu cei ce se bucura; plangeti cu cei ce plang.” (Rom.12:15) De ce plangi, femeie? Este intrebarea pe care Domnul Hristos i-a pus-o Mariei inlacrimate, care Il cauta intr-un mormant gol. Isus nu a lasat-o sa planga si nici sa se framante in zadar. Si, ca oameni solidari, asa facem si noi azi. Daca […]

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the