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romica sarbu

30 ianuarie 2015

romica sarbu

31 ianuarie 2015

Romanian-English Intercer Ministry Celebrates 15 Years of Activity! (via Intercer Adventist News) Intercer History In early June 2012 Intercer celebrated 15 years of activity! Intercer started as the first created Romanian Adventist website, and today Intercer has a network of biblical websites continuing to be the most popular Romanian Adventist website, with a monthly average of 60,000 unique…

In perioada 4-6 septembrie 2009, Biserica Adventista Romana din Atlanta este gazda Conventiei de tineret Build Up. Temele seminariilor vor fi cu predilectie caracterul si cresterea in Hristos, iar activitatile se vor centra pe partasia creata intre tinerii prezenti. Dorinta noastra sincera este aceea de a renunta pentru cateva momente la vietile traite individual si […]

Invitatie: Romanian Youth Convention Intalnirea Tinerilor Romani Adventisti 4 – 6 Septembrie, 2009 Sala Bisericii Penticostale Romane Philadelphia 581 Old Peachtree Road Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Tema intalnirii: “Build Up” “Zideste-ti un caracter pentru vesnicie” Invitati speciali: Pastor David Ascherick Steve Darmody Si multi altii… Aceasta intalnire isi propune sa ofere tinerilor posibilitatea de a invata […]

This session deals deals with the poems of the one-man-band of Romanian poetry, as Nicolae Manolescu labelled him, beacuse Arghzei reinvents himesel with every volume and soemtimes within a single volume. I have him in may top 3 Romanian poets. Who is the other one? I will keep that to mysemf. We reprezent four of […]

The fourth session in the journey of discovery of Romainan poetry in English, we discuss Romania’s best know writer, and national poet, Mihai Eminescu. Only Luis de Camoes in Portugal, and maybe Shakespeare in the English-speaking world, might rival Eminescu in relation to the influence upon the culture and language of their countries. The poems […]

In this 12th episode of our journey through Romanian Poetry in English, I will present to you a poet with who’s verse I resonate the most. The rebel and antagonist in me (and there is a LOT of that…) – latches onto his poetry… …initially pigeonholed as a neo-symbolist (by critics like George Călinescu, mainly […]

You can count on one hand the living, poets who are represented with more than one poem in the volume Testament – 400 Years of Romanian Poetry (authors Daniel Ionita – with Daniel Reynaud, Adriana Paul and Eva Foster – Minerva Publishing – 2019). Camelia Radulian is one of them. Her lyrical voice is as […]

In this session I present the profile and some representative poems of „the most attractive ugly woman who achieved greateness in Romanian Poetry” (Alex Stefanescu). Nina Cassian is certainly in the top 10 Romanian poets for me. She has done it all, and done it exceptionally well, from aburdist-surreal, to socialist-realism, to romantic, to post-modern, […]

After Mihai Eminescu, there are two or three other poets who people (critics included) might consider in “the silver medal” position for Romanian Poetry – so to speak. And in the ninth episode of Romanian Poetry in English, we will talk about, and recite some poems of, one of THEM – Nichita Stănescu. He was […]

Poet, civil libertarian, anti-Communist, a person extremely dignified and appropriate at all times, a successful politician after the revolution of 1989, a beautiful and envied woman – Author of 26 volumes of poetry – many of them translated in foreign languages. Ana Blandiana shone in a generation of poets, the 1960ies, which contained stellar names […]

In Episode 7 of the journey through Romanian Poetry in English we will mee the poet, and cultural revolutionary Tristan Tzara. Born Samuel Rosenstock (16 April 1896 in Romania – 25 December 1963 in Paris) – Tzara is arguably the initiator, or at least a most important catalyst, leader, and practitioner of the anarchist anti-establishment […]