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Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Description: Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Maranatha Romania sustine adapostul pentru batranii strazii din comuna Batar, jud. Bihor, unde 30 de batrani de pe strada, ai nimanui, primesc adapost, hrana si ingrijire permanenta, gratis. De acest adapost se ocupa lucratorii nostrii Marcel si Artemiza Tanase.  Adapostul functioneaza prin credinta. Iarna aceasta a fost foarte grea, nu aveam lemne de foc si […]

        Dragi prieteni, încerc să vă provoc cu unul din cele mai dramatice cazuri cu care ne-am confruntat, noi, voluntarii Serviciului Umanitar pentru Penitenciare. Vreau să vă provoc să faceţi un exerciţiu de imaginaţie…             Vai… cât de grea e viaţa asta… Deşi nu ai decât patru anişori… visezi şi speri că mâine va fi […]

Anii merg mai departe dar sufletul rămâne tot acolo unde se simte cel mai bine! O croazieră pe Pământ nu strică nimănui. Câteva clipe de plăcere, câteva minute de distracție şi cel mai important, ore-n şir de privit. Da, de privit, admirat, spuneți cum vreți. Eu nu am început de mult călătoria spre deosebire de […]

Casa Bebedream te invita sa iti comanzi al doilea volum din seria Ce stii si ce nu stii din Biblie. La volumul 2 ai si un BONUS! de 7 ori 7 cuvinte. Cartea in cele 140 de pagini este plina de surprize: Zile….Zile… Cat costa o viata? La frizer si barbier Evadari spectaculoase Meniuri ciudate […]