Listen (mp3) or download some of their songs below
Ascultati (mp3) sau faceti download pentru cateva dintre melodiile lor mai jos
![]() A Sunrise For You (2000) Nimeni ca Tine (Fairest Lord Jesus) |
![]() In The Garden (2000) Blessed Assurance (Ce fericire, am pe Isus) |
![]() Praise Shall Be My Song (2002) Praise Shall Be My Song (Eu il voi Lauda) |
Trio Celest came to the US for the first time in 1998, to participate in the NET ’98 satellite evangelistic series, during which they performed a number of songs. Their second visit was in 1999 when they started their ministry in North American Division.
They were invited to sing for many programs and events starting the Voice of Prophecy, It is Written, Three NETs programs, Andrews University, ASI conventions, Camp Meetings and Women ministry across the country, 3ABN, Christian Family Radio, Voice of Hope and accepted every kind of serious invitation. Their ministry includes many tours across the country, from the Los Angeles aria and San Diego, to Georgia, Florida, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas and Washington State. All three members of Trio Celest are graduated or enrolled in various programs at Andrews University and neighborhood. Livia graduated in December 2002 with a Master’s degree in Violin performance and Irina is pursuing a BA in music with emphasizes in voice performance. Livia and Monica also hold BA degrees from the Transylvania Conservatory of Music in Brasov, Romania. Trio Celeste’s repertoire spans across various styles and centuries and, as well, includes traditional and contemporary Christian music. Most of their music is performed a cappella. Two new CD albums are in the work, adding to their previously released three albums.
Trio Celest a venit pentru prima data in Statele Unite in 1998, pentru a participa la programul evanghelistic prin satelit NET ’98, in timpul caruia au interpretat mai multe melodii. A doua lor vizita a fost in 1999, an in care si-au inceput activitatea in Diviziunea Nord Americana.
Ele au fost invitate sa cante la multe programe si evenimente printer care Vocea Profetiei, It Is Written, trei NET-uri, Universitatea Andrews, Conventiile ASI, Intalnirile in corturi si Departamentul Slujirea femeilor de-alungul tarii, Postul de telviziune trei Inger, Postul de Radio Familia Crestina, Postul de radio Vocea Sperantei si orice fel de invitatie serioasa. Lucrarea lor include multe turnee de-a lungul Statelor Unite, de la Los Angeles si San Diega, pana in Georgia, Florida, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas si statul Washington. Fiecare dintre membrii grupului Trio Celest au incheiat sau continua sa se pregateasca in cadrul Universitatii Andrews. Livia a absolvit un program de Master in vioara, iar Irina isi continua studiile de muzica in specialitatea Canto. Monica si Livia de asemnea sunt absolvente ale conservatorului de Musica din Brasov, Romania. Repertoriul grupului Trio Celest patrunde de-a lungul stilurilor si secolelor, incluzand muzica crestina traditionala si contemporana. Cea mai multa din muzica lor este interpretata "a cappella". Doua noi albume sunt in lucru, adaugandu-se la cele trei deja existente.