Search result: -2

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Dr. Bert Connell, PhD, RD is Director of the LLU Dietary Manager Program. Dr. Connell has been Director of the

Barbatilor, nu va puteti permite sa pierdeti acest timp minunat de incarcare spirituala, marturii si partasie. Te incurajam sa nu mai stai de-o parte ci sa participi la joc! Fa diferenta!!! Ia-ti angajamentul sa participi… Ia-ti angajamentul sa-ti aduci un prieten care are nevoie sa vina la acest eveniment. Inscrie-te inainte sa se ocupe ultimile […]

Pentru multi romani iarna aceasta a fost cumplita. Multi dintre semenii nostrii mai ales din sudul tarii au avut de suferit din cauza zapezii, viscolului si gerului. Cel mai greu a fost pentru batrani, mai ales pentru cei singuri si fara sprijin din partea nimanui. Iarna aceasta putea fi extrem de grea pentru doamna Ecaterina […]